St. Mary's PTO SCRIP Program
St. Mary’s PTO now offers our school and parish families an opportunity to earn a tuition credit and/or support our school with participation in our RaiseRight Program. RaiseRight is a national fundraising program that offers a simple way for you to decrease the tuition cost for your family by buying gift cards to pay for your everyday shopping and spending year-round. Groceries, dining out, home improvement, and everything in between.

When you purchase a gift card from the RaiseRight Program at full face value, you receive a reward of a rebate up to 20% depending on the vendor.
Of the total rebate, 50% goes to your family to use as a tuition credit, charitable contribution to the school, or cash back, and 50% goes directly to St. Mary’s School.
The rebates will be paid out twice a year in July and December.