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St. Mary's School Offers a Variety of Clubs to our Students!


National Jr. Beta Club

The purpose of this organization is to encourage and support academic excellence within the student body of St. Mary Help of Christians Catholic School Junior High (6-8); to foster and develop leadership; to aid in character development using the Christian philosophy of this school as a guideline; to encourage the attitude and desire for individual achievement and to develop a willingness to offer service. Junior Beta Club membership is open to all students in Grades 6-8 who maintain for two consecutive marking periods at least a B (86-88) in each subject. The students must also exhibit characteristics of leadership and personal integrity. Students who have earned greater than three detentions are not eligible for induction in the Beta Club. Students who are suspended for any reason are not eligible for induction that school year. If already a Beta Club member, students become inactive for the remainder of the current school year.
In order to maintain full membership status, an average of at least a B- (83) in each “academic subject,” is required. One C on a quarter report card will result in the student being placed on probationary member status. The student will then have one quarter to bring the C up to a B. If this is not achieved, or if one or more other subjects falls below 83, the student will lose membership status. 

School Choir

Our Youth Choir is open to 5th - 8th graders.  Students sing weekly at our school Mass on Wednesdays.  Youth Choir has a maximum of 25 members due to space in the choir loft.  Auditions are held at the beginning of each school year.  Tryouts consist of singing a favorite song a cappella (without music), and repeating a tune. Students have an opportunity to cantor for the Responsorial and the Alleluia each week at our school Mass.  Choir members also sing special songs during our Christmas and Patriotic programs.  Practices are held once a week before school.  The choir take at least two music infused field trips each year - (suspended due to Covid). The choir is directed by Ms. Camille Rosier.

In God's ears, all voices are angelic. So, find a positive song and sing it out!!!


Yearbook Club

The Yearbook Club is open to seventh and eighth grade students.  The club generally meets once a month on early release Fridays. Club members are responsible for the layout of the yearbook.  They learn basic digital design in a web-based design program.  Members are also responsible for selling ads in the yearbook.   The yearbook advisor is Mrs. Katie Craney.

Student Council - (Elected Positions)

The purpose of this service organization is to help promote a Christian atmosphere in the school, to strive for a harmonious relationship between the faculty and the student body, to help guide and direct other school functions and organizations, to provide a form of student expression, and to promote the general welfare of the school.  Mrs. Webster is the moderator for the St. Mary’s Student Council.